


The Cork National Roads Office (NRO) is a local authority shared service in collaboration with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in respect of national roads within Cork City and Cork County. Cork County Council (CCC) have been designated by TII as the lead road authority for the administration of the Cork NRO.

Dunkettle Interchange

The Dunkettle Interchange is located approximately 6 kilometres East of Cork City. The Interchange is at the Intersection of the M8/N8 Road from Dublin to Cork with the N25 Road from Waterford to Cork and with the N40 South Ring Road via the Jack Lynch Tunnel. The existing Dunkettle Interchange is thus a strategically important Intersection of a number of key National Routes.

The Interchange at present comprises a Signalised Roundabout, which includes a Free Flow Overpass for traffic travelling along the N25 to and from Cork City.  Other traffic using the Interchange must negotiate the Traffic Signal Control Roundabout.

The proposed Development comprises the reconfiguration of the existing Dunkettle Interchange to a Free Flowing Interchange to the greatest extent possible and the Development will include the following Infrastructure Elements:

  • A Series of Direct Road Links between the M8/N8, the N25 and the N40 as well as links to the R623 Regional Road in Little Island and Brewery’s Bridge in Dunkettle.
  • One grade separated Junction Arrangement at the existing N25 East of the existing Interchange.  Four roundabouts with two at the new Grade Separated Junction and two at the Tie In Points with the existing Road Network.
  • 52 Major Structures.
  • Several Culverts at Crossing Points of existing Water Courses.
  • Intelligent Transport Systems.
  • Pedestrian and Cyclist Facilities .

In addition the proposed Works will include Modifications to the existing Silversprings Junction on the N8 Lower Glanmire Road.  The Modifications will include the following Infrastructure Elements:


  • Construction of a new Raised Central Reserve on the N8.
  • Reconfiguration of the N8 Westbound Diverge.
  • Reconfiguration of the N8 Eastbound Merge and Diverge at the Silversprings Junction.
  • New Pedestrian and Cycling Facilities.


The Dunkettle Element of the Works is set out in the Layout Plan hereunder.  Also, a Scale Model of the Dunkettle Element of the Works is available to view at the Site Office.


  1. Project Objectives
    The Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade objectives are driven by the need to improve operational deficiencies associated with the existing layout.  These operational difficulties, if not addressed, will be exacerbated by continuing traffic growth over the coming years.


Core objectives may be summarised as follows:

1)    Improve capacity and reduce congestion through the Dunkettle Interchange.

2)    Maximise use of the existing infrastructure in order to minimise the impact of the scheme to the greatest extent possible and in order to minimise disruption to road users through potentially unnecessary demolition and reconstruction works.

3)    Separate local traffic movements from strategic traffic in so far as practicable.

4)    Provide separate and clearly designated lanes for each traffic movement with minimal weaving or crossover.

5)    Provide dedicated pedestrian and cycle connectivity through the junction area away from the main busy traffic corridors.

6)    Minimise impact on the environmentally sensitive sites within the overall construction area.

7)    Integrate with national, regional and local policy by improving capacity through the existing interchange and thus facilitate connectivity between the N8/M8, N25 and N40 strategic routes and linkage to potential Cork Midleton local rail station and park & ride options.

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