Current Status:
The N25 Carrigtohill to Midleton Upgrade Scheme has not been allocated funding in 2024.
The N25 Carrigtohill to Midleton Upgrade Scheme has been proposed by Cork County Council in conjunction with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). The project is included in Project Ireland 2040 and the National Development Plan 2018-2027. The purpose of the scheme is to provide improved transport infrastructure along the N25 corridor between Carrigtohill and Midleton.
The objectives of the scheme include:
– Provision of economic benefit to the southwest region;
– Improvement to journey times and capacity between Carrigtohill and Midleton;
– Facilitate and provide safe access and to strategic residential and industrial sites;
– Improve safety for traffic and vulnerable road users between Carrigtohill and Midleton;
– To enhance Regional accessibility linkage between Cork and Waterford as set out in National Development Plan; and
– Implement a scheme which helps achieve the land use objectives set out in Regional and Local Area Plans for Carrigtohill and Midleton.
Currently the 5km dual carriageway section of the N25 from Carrigtohill to Midleton is of a lower standard than the rest of the N25 from Cork to Carrigtohill. There are numerous at grade junctions, median crossing points and direct access points. The benefits of the scheme will include reduced congestion, quicker journey times, improved journey reliability and comfort and higher levels of road safety on the route.
Phase 1 Concept and Feasibility was completed in July 2020 and Phase 2 Options Selection was then developed.
The Study Area within which possible solutions could be identified was established. Within this Study Area, constraints were identified and the planning and design work commenced with the identification of feasible options to upgrade the N25 route.

Four potential route options were developed. The options were advertised for public consultation and feedback was to be submitted by the 13th November 2020.
Feedback from this Public Consultation was taken into account in developing a preferred route option. A second public consultation was held in early 2021 to present the Emerging Preferred Option in order to seek further public feedback on the route.
Project deliverables were produced in 2021, including Traffic Modelling Report, Cost Benefit Analysis, Options Selection Report and Options Appraisal Report, etc. Site/ Ground Investigation began onsite.
At Stage 2 of the Options Selection Process, the various route options were assessed leading to the identification of a route that performed best in meeting the scheme objectives.
The Preferred Route Option was on display from 21st July 2021 until the 8th September 2021.
Note: The Preferred Route Option was indicated as a corridor within which the scheme could be developed but did not represent the actual width of a road or actual lands to be acquired.
The N25 Carrigtohill to Midleton major road upgrade scheme did not secure government funding in 2022 to progress with the project planning and design stages. It was one of a number of national major road schemes in the country that did not secure government funding in 2022.
The funding allocations by government to the local authorities was made having regard to the funding profiles set out in the Governments National Development Plan 2021-2030 and other national policies.
The rate of progress on the delivery of Major Road Projects is dependant on the availability of funding on a multi-annual basis. Progress on the N25 project planning and design stages will resume when funding is made available again.
2023 & 2024: N25 Carrigtohill to Midleton – Current Status
The N25 Carrigtohill to Midleton major road project scheme did not secure government funding to progress with the project planning and design stages in 2023 and again in 2024.