


The Cork National Roads Office (NRO) is a local authority shared service in collaboration with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in respect of national roads within Cork City and Cork County. Cork County Council (CCC) have been designated by TII as the lead road authority for the administration of the Cork NRO.

N72 Ballymaquirke Junction Upgrade – Temporary Road Closure

N72 Ballymaquirke Junction Upgrade – Temporary Road Closure News

Statement from Cork County Council on the Ballymaquirke Junction Improvement Scheme

Cork County Council advertised a proposed temporary road closure of the R579 southern approach to the Ballymaquirke Junction to facilitate completion of the necessary Ballymaquirke junction improvement scheme on June 29th, 2023.

Over the years, the Ballymaquirke Junction witnessed a number of very serious road traffic accidents. Construction of a junction improvement scheme began in February 2023 and is currently scheduled to be fully completed by the end of this year.

Every effort has been made through the phasing of the works to avoid the need for temporary road closures during the construction of this vital scheme and to maximise the use of stop/go traffic systems.

However, given the constraints that exist on the Banteer leg of the N72/R579 Ballymaquirke Junction, it is necessary to temporarily close this leg of the junction to safely construct the works. These constraints include the presence of high voltage cables, underground services and the installation of complex below ground structures adjoining the historical Ballymaquirke triple arch limestone bridge (built circa 1865).

The Council amended the proposed temporary road closure following consultations with the Elected Members of Kanturk Mallow Municipal District and An Garda Siochana together with a review of submissions from members of the public. As a result, the duration of the proposed temporary road closure will be in effect from July 27th through to September 15th, 2023. The advertised diversion routes are limited to the L1120 travelling West from Banteer Cross and/or the R579 travelling South from Banteer Cross. Traffic Management plans and supporting information are being amended to reflect this.

Cork County Council will continue to work closely with Elected Members, the Contractor and key stakeholders including the emergency services and members of the public in relation to this project. While acknowledging the inconvenience this proposed temporary road closure may cause, Cork County Council is acutely aware of the long-term benefits that will be realised through the completion of this vital and much needed junction improvement scheme. When complete, the improved junction will enhance transportation efficiency and safety for all road users together with providing a positive impact on the quality of life for residents and businesses in the local community into the future.

The Junction Layout currently under construction can be viewed HERE

All detour routes relating to the Temporary Road Closure can be viewed HERE

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